Thursday, June 2, 2011

Inventory Turns Report

AX doesn't really have a good inventory turns report.  Here's a simple job that calculates inventory turns by quantity and by value.  You can adapt the code to run in a report.

static void InventoryTurns(Args _args)
    itemId          itemId;
    inventTrans     inventTrans;
    inventSum       inventSum;
    qty             thisQty, qtyOnHand, totalDailyQtyOnHand, avgDailyQtyOnHand, usageQty;
    Amount          thisValue, valueOnHand, totalDailyValueOnHand, avgDailyValueOnHand, usageValue;
    Real            turnsByQty, turnsByValue;
    date            lastDate, fromDate, toDate;

    //set the itemID and date range
    itemId = '00001';
    fromDate = mkDate(1,1,2010);
    toDate = mkDate(31,12,2010);

    //****average daily on-hand
    lastDate = systemDateGet(); //initialize with today.

    //inventSum contains today's values for qty and value
    while select inventSum where inventSum.ItemId == itemId && inventSum.Closed == NoYes::No
        qtyOnHand += inventSum.PhysicalInvent;
        valueOnHand += (inventSum.PhysicalValue + inventSum.PostedValue);

    //starting with today, we work backward to the from date and manually calculate what the on-hand qty/value was each day
    while (lastDate >= fromDate)
        if (lastDate <= toDate) //if we're within the date range, then sum the on-hand qty/value for determination of the average
            //add one days worth of the current OnHand figures
            totalDailyQtyOnHand += qtyOnHand;
            totalDailyValueOnHand += valueOnHand;

            //update average calc
            avgDailyQtyOnHand = totalDailyQtyOnHand/((toDate + 1) - lastDate);
            avgDailyValueOnHand = totalDailyValueOnHand/((toDate + 1) - lastDate);

        lastDate --;

        thisQty = 0;
        thisValue = 0;
        while select Qty, CostAmountPosted, CostAmountPhysical from inventTrans
            where inventTrans.ItemId == itemId
            && inventTrans.DatePhysical == lastDate
            thisQty += inventTrans.Qty;
            //use the posted (financial) value if available
            if (inventTrans.CostAmountPosted != 0)
                thisValue += inventTrans.CostAmountPosted;
                thisValue += inventTrans.CostAmountPhysical;
        //calc the new onHand values
        qtyOnHand += -1 * thisQty;
        valueOnHand += -1 * thisValue;

    //****annual usage
    while select inventTrans
        order by DatePhysical desc
        where inventTrans.ItemId == itemId
        && inventTrans.datePhysical >= fromDate  //this should work in place of limits on statusIssue < 3 and statusReceipt < 3
        && inventTrans.datePhysical <= toDate
        && (inventTrans.TransType == InventTransType::Sales
            || inventTrans.TransType == InventTransType::ProdLine
            || inventTrans.TransType == InventTransType::Project
            || inventTrans.TransType == InventTransType::InventTransaction)

        usageQty += -1*inventTrans.Qty;
        usageValue += -1*inventTrans.CostAmountPhysical;

    //****calc turns = usageQty divided by average on-hand qty
    if (avgDailyQtyOnHand == 0)  //divide by zero protection
        turnsByQty = 0;
        turnsByQty = usageQty / avgDailyQtyOnHand;
    if (avgDailyValueOnHand == 0)
        turnsByValue = 0;
        turnsByValue = usageValue / avgDailyValueOnHand;
    info(strfmt("Item Id: %1, Turns by Qty: %2, Turns by Value: %3",itemId,turnsByQty,turnsByValue));

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